Brought to you by ESCAP
CKMS Gateway
ESCAP CKMS Gateway is a one-stop shop covering the communications, library and knowledge management services, policies and procedures at ESCAP.
Conference Services
Conference services for meetings and events of UNESCAP, as well as UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes, and external clients.
Facilities Management
Buildings, infrastructure and maintenance services. Office supplies, furnishings, maintenance of the inventories and Environmental Management.
Financial advice and services: budget and cost management, financial reporting, payments, payroll and treasury.
Host Country Services
Thai visa, Stay permit, Re-entry visa, Duty-free customs clearance, Privileged vehicle and other host country services for ESCAP and its clients
Human Resources and Training
Official guidance, forms and questions regarding all HR and Training topics.
Interpretation, Translation and Document Services
Provide support on intrepretation, translation and official documentation / publication.
Telecommunications, network infrastructure, servers, desktop equipment, and office automation applications.
Mail, Archive and Records Services
Incoming and outgoing mail/pouch, document, parcel and offsite storage.
Medical Services
Individual guidance, counseling, examinations, trainings and innovative approaches we promote and maintain staff health.
Procurement advice and services: tender management, contract amendment, PO issuance, contract administration and training
Service Management
Service Management provides support to clients including MOU, additional services, additional space in ESCAP compound and support on all ESCAP services
Transportation and Parking Services
Transportation and Parking Services (Request for local transportation and parking services)
Travel and Official Visa Services
Travel and Official Visa Services (Request for travel and visa for official business travel services)
Umoja and BI
Provide UMOJA support, Umoja Access Provisioning and BI Dashboard inquiry
UNDSS Safety & Security
UNDSS provides security within ESCAP compound, travel advisory, security clearance, emergency regarding to securities, and ground pass.
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